Vine & Fig Tree
Theocratic Anarchism

The myth of 
"the Separation of Church and State"

Not a single person who signed the U.S. Constitution intended to create a secular nation. From the beginning, America was a Christian nation, and the Founding Fathers did not intend to change this. Every single Signer of the Constitution believed the following:

  1. Christianity was the true religion, others were "false religions."
  2. Forming a civil government was a religious duty imposed by the God of the Bible, and hence all governments must be "under God."
  3. The God of the Bible answered the prayers of the colonists by directly and supernaturally intervening in human history, aiding their revolution against the British Empire to ensure American victory. Not a single "deist" ("clockmaker god") signed the Constitution.
  4. It is the duty of all governments to endorse and promote the true religion, and make sure the statutes they pass conform to the Bible.

Below are over 100 links to webpages with primary source evidence that the modern notion of "separation of church and state" is a myth, and America was intended to be a Christian Theocracy.

Ancient History

The Founding Fathers were keen students of ancient history. They knew that religion had always been considered of great utility by ancient governments. There has never been a separation of religion and state in the history of man. The Founders did not intend to change this.

The Reformation: Rebirth of Theocracy

The Protestant Reformation was a key influence in the American Revolution. 
First, because the revolt against Roman Catholicism was a source of American anti-clericalism. Today's European Protestant churches are unreformed Roman churches. "New Presbyter is but Old Priest, writ large" (Milton). Most of the Founders' remarks used by atheists in our day to support the separation of religion and state were actually anti-clerical remarks designed to separate churches and state, and reduce competition between clergy. This philosophy leads to the House-Church movement, where religion becomes more pervasive in the life of the believer, not to a secular state, where religion becomes more peripheral.  
Second, because the Calvinistic emphasis on the Sovereignty of God was a direct challenge to "statism," the deity of the sovereign state. The Revolutionary War was a Calvinist Revolution.

It is important not to confuse anti-clericalism with secularism. The author of this web page, a fanatic Christian Theocrat, has not been a church-member for 15 years.

The pages linked below discuss Early American history in the context of Theocracy (a nation "under God") and Anarchism (a People with a divine wall protecting them from incursions on their rights by archists in church and state). There is no compelling evidence that the Founding Fathers intended to separate God and government.  

America: Theocracy in the New World

Modern secularists have problems understanding the American relationship between religion and government because they do not understand that the Founders believed that

  • Religion was the foundation of government;
  • There was a true religion and there were other false religions;
  • It would be suicidal to base a commonwealth on a false religion;
  • The Government, in order to survive, must endorse and promote the true religion.

Every single person who signed the Constitution agreed with these four premises, and they agreed that the true religion was Christianity. It doesn't matter that they didn't agree among themselves as to the details of the Christian religion. It doesn't matter that they made sure that one variety of Christianity would have no legal power over other varieties of Christianity. What matters is that not a single signer of the Constitution believed in the "separation of church and state" where the word "church" means "Christianity, the true religion."

The pages below are designed to explain these propositions and to show that they were universally held by the Founding Fathers.

"Vine & Fig Tree" in American History -- Homepage

American Law

Theocracy Defended by the U.S. Supreme Court

Famous American Theocrats

"The Separation of Church and State"

Theocratic Education

The Myth of Secular Governments

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Paradigm Shift


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