Vine & Fig Tree
Christianity for the Third Millennium

Call me a pompous dreamer, but I am convinced that Vine & Fig Tree will captivate the hearts and minds of millions. I know it's captivated me, and I get enough enthusiastic e-mail from people who have discovered theVine & Fig Tree web pages (even though I haven't listed them with any search engines yet) to believe that there is something here that will resonate with many people.

I am in the process of setting up the Vine & Fig Tree web pages under two thematic packages, one for the "left" and one for the "right":

Click here for
Vine & Fig Tree:
Micah's Prophecy

Click here for
Christmas Conspiracy!

The Christmas Conspiracy!


One major organizing theme of Vine & Fig Tree web pages is “The Christmas Conspiracy.” I hope this will appeal to “right-wingers.” I'll re-package the material to appeal to those on the “left.”

The true meaning of Christmas is that the King has come, and all other kings must step aside. If we have been king of our own life, we too must step aside. The word “Gospel” means “good news.” The “good news” of Christmas is that Christ is a powerful King who is going to re-create a Christian world of virtue, peace, and security.

The true meaning of Christmas has been obscured by the consumerism, materialism, and militarism of the American Empire (a.k.a. the “New World Order”). The Prophets described the Coming Messiah who would inaugurate a “Vine & Fig Tree” society. This Messiah came at the First Christmas. God's people are called to work for a “Vine & Fig Tree” world, not to wait for another Christmas.

There are many people out there who believe (or are ready to believe) that the State, along with its institutional yes-man, the church, profits from ignorance of the radical message of Christmas. The Church-State hybrid does not want people to know about The Christmas Conspiracy. I think many people would like to know about it.

Micah'sVine & Fig Tree” Prophecy

While the true meaning of Christmas can be found throughout the Bible, the prophecy of Micah (chapter 4) is particularly illustrative. I have divided it (and all of theVine & Fig Tree web pages) into seven themes, which I presumptuously call “archetypes.”

Micah's Prophecy Archetype
And it will come about in the last days
That the mountain of the House of the LORD
Will be established as the chief of the mountains
And it will be raised above the hills
Victory: The Inevitability of the Conspiracy: “God With Us”
And the peoples will stream to it.
And many nations will come and say,
“Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD
And to the House of the God of Jacob,
Catholicism: The Universal Appeal of the Conspiracy
That He may teach us about His ways
And that we may walk in His paths.”
For from Zion will go forth the Law
Even the Word of the LORD from Jerusalem.
Law: God's Law vs. Man's “law”
And He will judge between many peoples
And render decisions for mighty, distant nations.
Then they will hammer their swords into plowshares
And their spears into pruning hooks;
Nation will not lift up sword against nation
And never again will they train for war.
Peace: Beating all Swords into Plowshares
And each of them will sit under his Family: God's Central Unit of Society
Vine and under his fig tree,
With no one to make them afraid.
For the LORD of hosts has spoken
Garden-Land: Reversing the Stalinization of the Farm
Though all the peoples walk
Each in the name of his god,
As for us, we will walk
In the Name of the LORD our God
forever and ever.
“In that day,” says the LORD,
“I will assemble the lame,
I will gather the outcast
And those whom I have afflicted;
I will make the lame a remnant,
And the outcast a strong nation;
So the LORD will reign over them in Mount Zion
From now on, even forever.”
Community: No Man is an Island

Micah 4:1-7

Micah's vision of Vine & Fig Tree animated America's Founding Fathers, and made America "the greatest nation on God's green earth" (Michael Medved). Read their hopes here.

The Bible is our Foundation

The reason why this non-profit corporation and all its web pages are based on Micah's prophecy is because he foretold the coming of Christ, showing that he was a prophet of God. All of the Vine & Fig Tree web pages are built on the idea that the Bible is God speaking to us.

Find out more about this vital presupposition.

Let us take apart Micah's prophecy theme-by-theme. Each of the links below will take you to a new, separate page. We will see the overall theme of global Divine-human Reconciliation emerge. Or Click Here to read a short summary of all seven themes.

  1. Victory: The Inevitable Triumph of the Conspiracy
  2. Catholicism: The Universal Appeal of the Conspiracy
  3. Law: God's Law vs. Man's "law"
  4. Peace: Beating the State's Swords into Plowshares
  5. Family: God's Central Unit of Society
  6. Garden-Land: Reversing the Stalinization of the Farm
  7. Community: The Extended Family welcomes the lost and lonely

Other areas to explore:

Litigation: Confronting Society

Mailing Lists

About the Author

A Christmas Conspiracy.” FAQ.

There are nearly 1,000 pages on the various Vine & Fig Tree web sites. There's no set order in which the pages must be read. You can click anything that's underlined if it interests you. Links will take you (eventually) to all the pages. Here's a little bit more information about each of the “archetypes.”


1. The Kingdom: Christ established it at His First Advent. God is with us now.


2. Catholicism: He promises that the peace and prosperity of His Kingdom will spread across the globe, and will be a universalistic mass movement, including all nations, all peoples, all races.


3. God's Law: This global spread of Christ's reign will be in terms of obedience to Biblical Law, which is Christ's Standard of Love, Justice, and Holiness.


4. Peace: Biblical Law teaches attitudes of virtue and service; when mature, these qualities beat “swords into plowshares.” Not just those of "the bad guys," but our own as well.


5. Family: Rightly related to those who gave us birth.
Rebellion against the natural authority of parents and elders gives rise to tyrannical, “paternalistic” institutions. The Christmas Conspiracy reverses this trend.


6. Garden-Land: Militaristic industrialism is then replaced with contentment and a harmonious relationship with the land.


7. Community: Christians do not practice “rugged individualism.” The “nuclear family” is culturally sub-Biblical. Living in extended-family communities, Christians exercise dominion and resist the pressure of worldly peers spouting the myths of the pre-Christian “principalities and powers.”

1. The Kingdom: Christ established it at His First Advent.

      Micah says man was created in a Garden, “the Mountain of the Lord.” We rejected God's Providence because we wanted to “be as gods” (Genesis 3:5). In our poverty, we sold ourselves to the demonic slave-traders of the polis.
      Jesus paid the price necessary to “redeem” us (buy us back) from the slave-traders. Satan has been bound. By destroying this slavery, Christ established His Kingdom. If we accept His gentle yoke, we escape the harsh taskmaster of addiction to sin. Christ's plan is not to “rapture” His people, but to empower them to “overcome” sin and the demonic State. He is not “coming soon” to establish an Empire in Jerusalem.
      Churches preach defeat, slavery, impotence, and self-centeredness. “Shepherds” paralyze and castrate “the sheep.” Liturgy and rituals replace dominion. Spontaneous obedience to the Blueprints of Life is muzzled by “doctrinal” diversions.
      Politicians legislate dependence and serfdom. Flag-waving replaces dominion, vengeance replaces mercy and “voting” soothes the conscience.
      The Media tempts us to self-worship. Meditation on God's Law is crowded out by “entertainment.” Mousketeers graduate to cocaine.
      Yet whenever the Gospel has been believed and fleshed-out, culture has blossomed. Science, the arts, schools, hospitals, “justice, mercy and faith,” are the products of Christ's Kingdom.
      Christ has established His Kingdom. Find out more.

2. Postmillennialism: It is a global Kingdom; a New Earth.

      Jesus promises that His Kingdom will spread across the globe, and will be global, or universalistic, including all nations, all peoples, all races. Though the “dominant culture” only reluctantly admits it, Christianity has leavened the loaf, and the dough is rising. “The earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.” (Isaiah 11:9)
      Churches teach that everything is getting “worse and worse.” Reforming lives and nations is thought to hinder the “return of Christ.” Sectarianism and ecclesiocentrism is their sorry substitute for a Christianized Earth.
      Bureaucrats stalk the borders to keep “illegals” out. “My country right or wrong.”
      Christ's Kingdom will grow to cover the planet. Find out more.

3. Theonomy: Man's law will be replaced by God's Law.

      This global spread of Christ's reign will be in terms of obedience to Biblical Law, which is Christ's Standard of Love, Justice, and Holiness. We do not adjust our interpretation of the Bible to fit our culture; we reconstruct our culture according to the Blueprints of the Bible.
      Churches teach that “we are under grace, not law.” They still enforce their own laws and traditions, but not God's. The rates for shoplifting, perjury, adultery, divorce, and abortion are as high in churches as among non-Christians. Governments seize billions, murder millions, destroy continents; churches are silent.
      Judges assert that law and justice are “culturally relative.” All cultures are equal — except Christian culture, which is “oppressive.” It becomes politically incorrect to condemn massive human-rights violations in so-called “left-wing” dictatorships.
      Biblical Law will reconstruct all human society. Find out more.

4. Peace: “Swords into Plowshares.”

      Biblical Law teaches attitudes of virtue, reconciliation, and service; when mature, these qualities beat “swords into plowshares,” disarming the heart of the individual and the polis. Decentralization replaces institutionalization.
      Churches support wars, bless bombs, cheer executions. When institutionalized violence is approved by the pulpit, it is practiced by the people.
      Organized government has murdered an average of 10,000 people per day throughout the 20th century. More killings are planned. Copy-cat street gangs protect their “turf.”
      Co-conspirators in The Christmas Conspiracy follow the Prince of Peace. Find out more.

5. The Family: Home of God's global Shalom

      The Family is the root and center of Kingdom growth -- overthrowing the violence of the State, abstaining from the sycophancy of the Church. Vine & Fig Tree means a return to Biblical Patriarchy -- and then new growth in terms of this family-centered paradigm.
      When families begin exercising independent dominion, the “shepherds” question their loyalty to the church. Inquisitions keep would-be patriarchs docile and “submissive.”
       Leviathan is at war with Jefferson's “yeoman farmer.” Free men of independent creativity and political skepticism have been replaced by consumer zombies easily managed by the State.
      The Christian Family will abolish the Church-State hybrid. Find out more.

6. Garden-Land: Return to Eden

      When families put Biblical Law into practice, militaristic industrialism is replaced with contentment and a harmonious relationship with the land.
      When Christians attempt to live debt-free, church finance boards call them “unrealistic” and “impractical.” Industrialist peonage is nurtured.
      The Federal Reserve Board rewards debt, impersonalism, and cut-throat competition.
      Ecological destruction is a result of polluted hearts.
      Christian Patriarchy will restore Edenic conditions world-wide. Find out more.

7. Community: The Extended Family

      Just as we were adopted into the Family of God, Christians extend their families, bringing in the solitary and abandoned. Christians do not practice “rugged individualism.” The “nuclear family” is culturally sub-Biblical. Living in extended-family communities, Christians exercise dominion and resist the pressure of worldly peers who spout the myths of the pre-Christian “principalities and powers.”
      Modernist church hierarchies pressure Christians who question birth control, HMO births, mass-schooling, and Secular Humanist degrees. Christians who practice hospitality, sanctuary, and home Bible-study threaten ecclesiastical monopoly.
      The nuclear-armed State is no less hostile to the decentralized provision of social wholeness.
      The Creeds say “I believe in the Community of Saints.” Find out more.

Vine & Fig Tree's Web Pages

Here are some more doors to take you wherever you think you might find something interesting.

General Subject Headings

The “Archetypes” of
Micah's Prophecy

1. Victory
The Kingdom is Now.
The Gospel is not Escape
2. Catholicism
The Future is Glorious
The Kingdom is not the Church
3. Theonomy
Law: God's is Life; Man's is Death
God's Law has not been abolished
4. Peace
Peace is possible
The State is not divine
5. Family
The Home is Central
The Family is not “Victorian”
6. Garden
Eden is being restored
The City is not Normal
7. Community
Faith Works through Love
The Individual is not an Island
Why the Bible
95 Theses Against the New World Order

The Bible | | 1. Presence | | 2. Globalism | | 3. Theonomy | | 4. Peace | | 5. Family | | 6. Garden | | 7. Community
Index  | | Theology  | | History  | | Culture | | No State | | No Church | | Godly Families -- Everywhere | | Overview

Christmas Conspiracy


Vine & Fig Tree

Paradigm Shift


Vine & Fig Tree
12314 Palm Dr. #107
Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240
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