A Calvinist Defense of
- Governments committed, subsidized, or legalized the murder of 10,000 people per day during the
20th century, with plans to dramatically escalate the killing in the
- Trillions of dollars of wealth have been confiscated or destroyed by
governments during the 20th century.
- Governments have been the single greatest source of declining
Christian morality in our world.
- Doesn't the Bible forbid men from forming or participating in such institutions?
Yes, but . . . .
The Biblical Prohibition of Vengeance
- Romans 12
- The Sermon on the Mount
- Throughout Scripture
Four Theonomic
Prohibitions of "Organized Government"
- Dominion vs. Irresponsibility and Inefficiency
- "Thou Shalt Not Steal"
- Conscription and Imprisonment as Kidnapping
- "Thou Shalt Not Kill"
The State as Criminal
Jesus’ Command to be Anarcho-Capitalists
We are not to be "archists," but servants
“Ninety-Five Theses on the State”
- Romans 13
- The Depravity of Man
- Capital Punishment