Original Ownership
course of development, class distinctions have disappeared, and all
production has been concentrated in the hands of a vast association
of the whole nation, the public power will lose its political character.
Political power, properly so called, is merely the organised power of
one class for oppressing another. . . . In place of the old bourgeois
society, with its classes and class antagonisms, we shall have an
association, in which the free development of each is the condition
for the free development of all.”5 The “vast association” replaces the
State. This may sound as though Marx was not really in favor of the
State as the owner of the tools of production. But how will the “vast
association of the whole nation” allocate scarce economic resources,
unless either the State or free markets order the decisions of pro-
ducers? Marx’s comment in The German Ideologv (1845) is of little use:
“Modern universal intercourse can be controlled by individuals,
therefore, only when controlled by all .“G Murray Rothbard, an ad-
vocate of the zero-State economy, calls attention to this confusion in
Marx’s thinking: “Rejecting private property, especially capital, the
Left Socialists were then trapped in an inner contradiction: if the
State is to disappear after the Revolution (immediately for Bakunin,
gradually ‘withering’ for Marx), then how is the ‘collective’ to run its
property without becoming an enormous State itself in fact even if
not in name? This was the contradiction which neither the Marxists
nor the Bakuninists were ever able to resolve .“7
The Anarchists’ Dilemma
On the other hand, the libertarians, or anarcho-capitalists, argue
that the individual is absolutely sovereign over property. Even the set-
tlement of disputes over property rights is to be solved by private
organizations. There must be no political authority – no agency
possessing a legal monopoly of violence – to suppress private
violence. There must be only profit-seeking law courts, meaning
courts without the legal authority to issue a subpoena to compel
anyone to testify,s plus voluntary arbitration .organizations and in-
5. Ibid., I, p. 127.
6. Karl Marx, The Gernsan Ideology (London: Lawrence & Wishart, [1845] 1965),
p. 84.
7. Murray N. Rothbard, “Left and Right: The Prospects for Liberty: L@ and
Right, I (1965), p. 8. For a discussion of this problem in Marxism and socialism, see
my book, Marx’s Religion of Revolution: The Doctn”ne of Creative Destruction (Nutley, New
Jerse,y: Craig Press, 1968), pp. 111-17. A microfiche of this out-of-print book is
available from the Institute for Christian Economics.
8. Murray N. Rothbard, For a New Liberiy: The Libmtatian Man$esto (rev. ed.;
New York: Collier, 1978). p. 87.