warlordism (anarcho-capitalism) ends the appeals system with
the most militarily powerful individual or with the court of the
most powerful private police force in a system of private, com-
peting courts. In the version of truncated courts known as
nationalism, appeals end with a national civil court. Both of
these truncated judicial systems are associated with the right-
wing Enlightenment model. These are polytheistic judicial
models: many laws, many gods. Rushdoony writes: “The prem-
ise of polytheism is that we live in a multiverse, not a universe,
that a variety of law-orders and hence lords exist, and that man
cannot therefore be under one law except by virtue of imperial-
Biblical law, being universal in scope, is not polytheistic. It is
also not imperialistic. The top-down judicial order of imperial-
ism is Satan’s perverse imitation of God’s kingdom. Both sys-
tems are comprehensive in their claims, but they are structured
differently. God’s kingdom is a bottom-up system of appeals
courts based on binding covenantal oaths. But the biblical sys-
tem of appeals courts cannot be limited, for the universalist of
God’s mandatory covenantal oaths cannot be limited. There is
no zone of neutrality, no place of refuge outside the jurisdiction
of God.
Judicial Trinitarianism proposes the ideal of Christendom.
Because it envisions the extension of God’s universal kingdom
in history, it affirms a confessionally unified pair of appeals
systems – ecclesiastical and civil – that transcends national bor-
ders. Judicial Trinitarianism is necessarily internationalist be-
cause the kingdom of God transcends political borders.20 Mod-
ern Christianity, being antinomian, rejects the ideal of this
international kingdom. The churches deny the possibility of
internationalism because they deny the universality of God’s
19. Rushdoony Institutes, p. 17.
20. Gary North, Healer of the Nation-r Bibhcal Bltwprints for International Relatwns
(Ft. Worth, Texas: Dominion Press, 1987).